Research Scope

Target Output Profile (TOP)

TOP#1  Automated and predictive maintenance

TOP 1.1 : Life prediction and maintenance techniques
TOP 1.2 : Automated inspection and data acquisition
TOP 1.3 : Replacement parts manufacturing for railway applications

TOP#2  Safe and comfort feeder (First-and-last-mile connectivity)

TOP 2.1 : Autonomous-driving feeder

Scope of research, development and engineering

  • Material Technology towards Predictive Maintenance Conduct research to mitigate wear and predict the service life of wheels and rails and conduct data analytics of atmospheric corrosion parameters and corrosion rates in order to design accelerated corrosion test for railway anti-corrosion coating development and predictive maintenance of railway components.
  • Failure Investigation and Automated Inspection  Build up materials and failure analysis database of important rolling stock components, affecting the train’s safety, such as train wheels, wheel axles, and railway tracks, etc. and develop automated inspection techniques, giving more accurate and reliable results than human inspection currently used.
  • Replacement Parts Manufacturing for Railway Applications  Conduct reverse-engineering of rolling stock components such as brake pad, carbon strip, lubricating parts etc., to promote rolling stock component production in Thailand in order to reduce importation and create new business and industries in Thailand
  • Materials and Modern Manufacturing for Future Mobility  Focus on materials selection of high strength and lightweight materials, and development of their manufacturing processes to obtain locomotive parts/components and structure to pave the way for a challenge of future transportation technology
  • Development of Intelligent Command and Control System for Autonomous Driving Vehicle   Conduct research and technology development of autonomous driving feeder to accommodate first and last-mile connections to public transportation to provide comfort and seamless travel for commuters.