e-ASIA Joint Research Program

Urgent Call for Proposals on COVID-19/ SARS-CoV-2 Research


  • Call open date: September 10, 2020
  • Call close receipt Date: October 22, 2020
  • Estimated e-ASIA Award Date: December 2020 or January 2021Purpose:

The e-ASIA Joint Research Program (e-ASIA JRP) encourages and supports collaborative scientific research that engages investigators in the East Asia region, the United States and other countries that border the Pacific. The goals of the program include the advancement of scientific discovery, the promotion of innovation, and the enhancement of science and technology capacity in the region. Considering the urgency of the COVID-19 pandemic and its global and regional impact, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the other Member Organizations of the e-ASIA JRP, will issue an urgent joint call for proposals to solicit research project applications that involve scientific teams in multiple countries who wish to collaboratively study SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

The duration of a selected research project will be one year (12 months), in total, from the start date. However, based on the availability of funding and research progress made during the first year, the duration of the selected research project may be extended through a competitive application process for up to two additional years with additional funding or through a no-cost extension.

A key objective of this urgent collaborative research initiative is to strengthen multilateral collaboration among researchers participating in the call.  The ultimate scientific objective of the initiative is to contribute to the development of medical and non-medical countermeasures that will address the current COVID-19 pandemic. The e-ASIA JRP presents an unusual research collaboration opportunity in that it offers access to new, re-budgeted or in-kind funding (depending on the sponsoring organization in each country) to support multi-investigator research engaging scientists in Japan, the Philippines, Thailand, the United States, and Vietnam.


Aims Specific to Medical Research:

Researchers are encouraged to submit international collaborative research project applications designed to contribute to the expansion of knowledge that will help prevent, diagnose, and treat COVID-19.

For medical research, this urgent research initiative aims to identify opportunities, establish and maintain open communication, encourage sharing of information and resources, and expand the global base of knowledge about SARS-CoV-2, as well as to foster the development of diagnostics, therapeutics, medical and public health preventive strategies and safe and effective vaccines against COVID-19. Possible research fields include but are not limited to public health and epidemiology, drug discovery, vaccine development, diagnostic technology, and immunology.

Possible research fields include but are not limited to:

  1. 1. Public health and epidemiology
  2. 2. Drug discovery
  3. 3. Vaccines
  4. 4. Inspection and diagnostic technology
  5. 5. Fundamental technology of inspection, prevention and medical treatment

- Bionanotechnology

- Chemical biology

- Biomaterial sensor

- Information and Communications Technology (ICT)

- Model organisms

  1. 6. Immunology (Immunology of coronavirus infection)


    - Disease Immunopathogenesis

    - Immunological Predictors of Disease Severity

    - Immunological Host Response to Infection

  Develop and/or Improve:

    - Diagnostic + Immunological Assays

    - Immunotherapies for Prevention and Early Treatment

  1. 7. Evolutionary biology of SARS- CoV2, including phylogenetics and mechanisms of emergence (e.g., animal-human interface)
  2. 8. Clinical Characterization / Management of Disease Caused by the Virus


Aims Specific to Non-Medical Research:

Researchers are encouraged to submit international collaborative research projects contributing to the prevention and mitigation of effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Collaboration between scientists in e-ASIA member organizations’ countries will help to better understand how to balance pandemic prevention and response with economic growth, to develop new technologies or approaches to COVID-19 control, and enhance or re-establish the R&D enterprise in the region. A pandemic with the unprecedented effects of COVID-19 requires a fresh approach to understand the impact on individuals and the wider society, as well as novel interventions to address these impacts.  Meritorious research teams may include members from a wide range of fields and disciplines, such as mathematics and modeling, social, economic, and behavioral science.

Possible research fields include but are not limited to:

  1. Mathematical and physical science
  2. Social, behavioral and economic science
  3. Computer and information science and engineering
  4. Geosciences
  5. Engineering
  6. Biological sciences
  7. Education
  8. Social sciences
  9. Host Animals and Environmental Research


Application Process

Please submit the proposal to: Yoshihide Kobayashi (Mr.), e-ASIA JRP Secretariat

E-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Note1: The e-ASIA JRP Secretariat will send a confirmation email to the Lead PI to confirm receipt of his/her proposal. In case the Lead PI does not receive a confirmation e-mail from the e-ASIA JRP Secretariat within one week, they should contact the e-ASIA JRP Secretariat at the address above.

The e-ASIA JRP Secretariat does not assume any responsibility for delay or error in e-mail delivery.

Note2: Application forms sent by any method other than e-mail, such as post, fax or telex will be rejected.



More details on the E-Asia JRP available Here


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For further information, please contact

Ms. Mullika Kulsiripruck, International Collaboration, NSTDA

Tel: 02-564-7000 Ext. 71486         

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.