To foster the foundational momentum of Taiwan's space industry, the Executive Yuan initiated the "Space Industry Promotion and Talent Development Plan". Through collaboration among various ministries, including the National Science and Technology Council, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Digital Affairs, and Ministry of Education, the plan focuses on three main axes: satellite technology development, industry promotion, and talent cultivation. The goal is to lead the further advancement of Taiwan's space technology and industry, driving the development of the domestic satellite industry.

To gather Taiwan's space innovation talents and technical capabilities, the Industrial Development Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs, has been organizing the "RunSpace Innovation Challenge" since 2022. This year marks the 3rd edition, and to expand the event, an "Innovation Category" has been added. The competition, based on the pulse of space industry development, covers various thematic areas, inviting interaction and exchange between space industry professionals and potential teams. The aim is to unleash innovative ideas and concepts, unearth talents and creativity with cross-industry capabilities in the space industry, and assist in creating further collaboration opportunities with domestic and international stakeholders. A sincere welcome to talents interested in the space domain to participate in this space adventure!

For more details, please visit the competition official website: