Greetings from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT), Thailand.

We would like to remind you about the deadline for submissions of extended abstract for the upcoming International Workshop on Climate–Smart Agriculture: Best Practices and Lessons Learned, scheduled to take place from 29 to 30 October 2024 at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) Conference Centre, AIT, Pathum Thani, Thailand.

Deadline for submission of extended abstracts: 31 July 2024

This international workshop is part of the Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) Technical Assistance (TA-9993) to Thailand, in Nan Province, on Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture for Enhanced Recovery and Sustainability of Highlands.

The 2-day international workshop will address multifaceted aspects of climate-smart agriculture with an overall aim to provide a platform for exchanging innovative ideas, technologies, and methodologies, fostering stakeholder collaboration and networking, and catalyzing the adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices in highland regions. It will also share the experience gained from the implementation of the TA-9993 in Nan province of Thailand.

The Concept Note for the International Workshop can be viewed at the link below.


Workshop Themes

  1. Gender-Conscious Climate Vulnerability And Adaptive Capacity Assessments In Highlands
  2. Climate-Smart Agronomic Management In Highlands
  3. Agricultural Product Quality, Value Chains, and Digital Technology
  4. Knowledge and Capacity Enhancement of Local Governments and Highland Communities on Climate Change Adaptation

Extended Abstracts

Extended Abstracts are invited from organizations and professionals working in climate-smart and sustainable agriculture in HIGHLANDS. The abstract should be directly aligned with one or more themes and subthemes of the workshop and must not exceed 1000 words. It should be based on existing/completed work and not on proposed work. Furthermore, submissions that focus on practical implementation promoting evidence-based technology adoption and policy outcomes will be given preference. The work must focus on HIGHLAND AGRICULTURE. The Call for Extended Abstracts and the Template for Extended Abstracts can be downloaded below.



Key Dates:

Submission of Abstracts Deadline: July 31, 2024

Notification of Selection: August 31, 2024

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of this transformative event. Submit your abstract and join us in fostering a climate-resilient agricultural future for the highlands of Asia. Based on the quality of submitted abstracts, the participation of selected contributors (airfare, registration, accommodation, subsistence) will be supported by the workshop organizers.

Please share this information with your colleagues and networks to help us reach a wider community.

For any inquiries, please contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

We look forward to your participation!

Best regards,

Prof. Mukand S. Babel
On behalf of the ADB TA-9993 Team
Asian Institute of Technology
