11 Hours online Course
Date: 19 July – 13 August 2021

The SEA Taiwan AI College is turning the AI manufacturing experiences into free-of-charge online courses. The academy presents not only AI trend analyses with real-world cases, but also hands-on practices for students. A variety of topics/scenarios have been included in this course, such as collaborative robots, machine vision, defect inspection, and environment and safety system.

TM Robot, the world’s second-largest collaborative robot brand, will take students to explore basic functions and applications of AI.

Participants finishing at least 80% of classes will be awarded a certificate of the SEA Taiwan AI College course. Whoever completes the course and also passes the AI training exercise will have another TM AI+ certificate, and be given the priority of getting an internship or job offer at TM Robot’s headquarters.

Please follow the link for more information about the courses of the SEA Taiwan AI College or apply online here: