You are invited to join “Rethinking Malaria in the Context of COVID-19” (Webinar)

1 September 2021 | 8:00 – 11:00 EDT, 19:00 – 22:00 Thailand time

28 – 29 September 2021 | 9:00 – 12:00 EDT, 20:00 – 23:00 Thailand time


The National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) is pleased to join Harvard University for special global webinars on “Rethinking Malaria in the Context of COVID-19.”

On September 1, experts will discuss findings from the year-long "Rethinking Malaria" global consultation as well as lessons learned from elimination countries. The discussion will span research perspectives; public policy, political, and advocacy perspectives; and programmatic perspectives.

On September 28-29, the event is sponsored by the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and co-sponsored by author’s primary/affiliated institutions. This two-day webinar will draw a global academic audience of students, faculty, and alumni along with global health professionals. Sessions will focus on "Decolonizing & Delivering Malaria Interventions" and "Improving Malaria Governance & Human Resources."

This event will be streamed via YouTube and Facebook to a wide, global audience in English, French, and Portuguese.

*Registration will be free and open to the public*

To register, please CLICK HERE.

To learn more about the webinar agenda, speakers, and access the Live Stream on September 1,

please CLICK HERE.

For more information about the "Rethinking Malaria in the Context of COVID-19" global engagement,

please CLICK HERE or contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.