Thailand Science Park (1 September 2010) – Today the Thailand Science Park announced that Flexoresearch Group was named one of the Technology Pioneers 2011 at the World Economic Forum.  The firm’s innovation, ‘Enzyme for Recycling Laminated Paper’, was selected from a group of 330 innovations entered for standing out

with digestive quality that helps separate paper from other laminated material.  The digested pulp can be further processed to replace asbestos in fiber cement manufacturing.  The innovation makes Flexoresearch Group recognized for its excellence in the Technology and Environment category.

  • Thailand Science Park is delighted that one of the participants of its program receives an award recognizing excellence in the ‘Energy and Environment’ category
  • The world’s first ‘Enzyme for Recycling Laminated Paper’ helps decrease pollutants from burning of difficult-to-recycle waste

Dr. Janekrishna Kanatharana, the Director of Thailand Science Park revealed that Flexoresearch Group, a research & development tenant of Thailand Science Park, had been chosen by the World Economic Forum as one of the Technology Pioneers 2011 in the Energy and Environment Technology category for the outstanding ‘Enzyme for Recycling Laminated Paper’, developed with the assistance and support from the Thailand Science Park’s Technology Business Incubator.  The firm has been rendered  consultation and advice right from business concept, developing the innovation, connecting with a network of Thailand’s leading researchers and marketing the products to the market ¬– helping the firm accelerate the process of establishing a name for itself.   The firm has now developed its business and its innovation has been recognized internationally by institutions like the World Bank and the World Economic Forum.

Mr. Paijit Sangchai, CEO and founder of Flexoresearch Group said that the main reason that made the firm chosen to win such a prestigious award was that the invention is something that has never been achieved before.  The inception of this innovation is the wish to mitigate problems concerning recycling of laminated papers (such as water-repellent wrapping paper and backing sheets of stickers), which are difficult to effectively separate paper from other laminated materials.  Because of such difficulty, burning the waste becomes the choice of waste handling that comes with air pollutants that could pose a threat to health.

“The digested pulp can be further processed as a material to replace asbestos in reinforcing fiber cement but without the risk of cancer from asbestos fume.  Fabricated with a particular formula, the enzyme helps yield more fibrous pulp that gives resilience and durability properties to the new material,” said Mr. Paijit.

“I think Thailand has plenty of capable and innovative people.  If only they would try to be more enterprising, and gain support and guidance from experts, they could become successful globally.  Just like Flexoresearch Group, that has been receiving a great opportunity and knowledgeable guidance from the Technology Business Incubator that made possible to the firm to pan out its business strategies that hook many more market opportunities.  Even though the incubation program lasted only two years, still there were a lot to be done on R&D. So, I decided to lease research space at the Thailand Science Park’s facility.  Now the company has its laboratory at the National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), which allows the company to work closely with MTEC’s researchers and get the latest updates of technology trends.” concluded Mr. Paijit.

Dr. Janekrishna added “As of now, there are 37 start-up companies graduated from the Thailand Science Park’s Technology Business Incubator program and there are 60 tenants renting research and development space within the locale.  In addition to providing the space for research and development, Thailand Science Park also offers an opportunity for its tenants to build R&D network with researchers of several leading research centers and institutions like the National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (BIOTEC), the National Metal and Materials Technology Center (MTEC), the National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) and the National Nanotechnology Center (NANOTEC), as well other companies conducting research at the Thailand Science Park and nearby universities.  Furthermore, companies leasing space will have access to analysis and testing lab services, as well as tools and equipment for research and development”.

In late 2011, Thailand Science Park will expand its service area and this Phase 2 expansion will be able to cater to an additional 150 companies, allowing more companies to conduct research and development and boosting the growth of Thailand’s research sector.

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