On 30th April, delegates from the US Office of Naval Research Global-Asia office in Tokyo, Dr. Sung-Eun Kim, Science Director, and Dr. Ming-Jen Pan, Associate Director, visited NSTDA to explore science and technology landscape of Thailand. The two delegates met NSTDA’s executives, and

discussed how to promote collaboration and research funding. After that, the group visited laboratories in NSTDA’s 4 national centers, which included NECTEC’s Network, Wireless and Security Research Unit, BIOTEC’s Microbe Bank, NANOTEC’s Nano-delivery System Laboratory, and MTEC’s Failure Analysis and Corrosion Technology Laboratory.

Dr.Kim and Dr.Pan was impressed with NSTDA, and would like to encourage more Thai researchers to apply for the US Office of Naval Research Global-Asia office international support. There are 3 programs:

1) Collaborative Science Program: Support conference, seminar, and workshop
2) Visiting Scientist Program: Support travel expense and accommodation
3) Naval International Cooperative Opportunities in Science and Technology Program: Funding for basic research

For further information, please visit ONR website: