Thai student team called Indentation Error from Assumption College Thonburi was crowned the 1st place winner of the Programming Skills Round of the 2nd Kibo Robot Programming Challenge. The competition was held on 18 July 2021 with 9 participating teams from Japan, Australia, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand.

In the competition in which contestants were to create programs to operate Astrobee, a free-flying robot system created by NASA, to perform an assigned mission, Indentation Error Team scored 89.82 points. Other winners include GeminiPYTW Team from Taiwan scoring 80.04 points and Enigma Systems Team from Bangladesh receiving 76.65 points.

Indentation Error is the national winner of the competition organized by NSTDA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), receiving the highest score among 176 contestant teams in Thailand.

Indentation Error will compete in the final round to take place virtually in September 2021 in which program developed by contestants is uplinked to Astrobee on the International Space Station (ISS).