On 2 February 2022, NSTDA and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) made a joint announcement to launch High-Potential Research Team Grant Program. Present at the press conference were NRCT Executive Director Dr. Wiparat De-ong and NSTDA Executive Vice President Prof. Prasit Palittapongarnpim, M.D.


High-potential Research Team Grant Program aims to develop manpower and build research and innovation capability focusing on the areas that Thailand is facing a talent shortage or has competitive advantage. Each grant is worth a maximum of THB 15 million for a 3-year period. The grant also comes with integrated support ranging from the S&T infrastructure such as NSTDA Supercomputer Center, the National Omics Center, the National Biobank of Thailand and pilot plants, to business and IP assistance programs such as business incubator, IP application service and technology licensing management.

High-potential Research Team Grant Program intends to establish scientific excellence, set challenging goals, make full use of S&T infrastructure, provide continuous support and make a positive impact to the society.