NSTDA and the National Applied Research Laboratories (NARLabs) of Taiwan co-organized NAC2022 NARLabs & NSTDA Conference on Research: Application for Autonomous Vehicles on 31 March 2022 as part of NSTDA Annual Conference 2022 (NAC2022). The virtual conference showcased the progress of the autonomous vehicle (AV) research in Thailand and Taiwan as well as the cooperation with distinguished speakers representing key players in Thailand and Taiwan, including Thailand’s Department of Science Service, NSTDA’s Rail and Modern Transports Research Center, the National Institute of Metrology Thailand, Smart Mobility Research Center of Chulalongkorn University, Gen Surv Robotics Company Limited, National Cheng Kung University, Turing Drive, and AFTA Technology Company Limited.

Scientific collaboration between NSTDA and NARLabs was established in 2018 and AV is among the topics of collaboration. The AV partnership is spearheaded by Taiwan CAR (Connected, Autonomous, Road-test) Lab and the Eastern Economic Corridor of Innovation (EECi) managed by NSTDA. EECi ARIPOLIS has been working with local and international companies to explore various means and platforms to promote the connected and autonomous vehicle (CAV) industry in Thailand.