KAIST Researchers Visit NSTDA to Strengthen Collaboration
ENTEC Participates in the Launch of the “Thailand-UK Partnering for Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK PACT)” Programme
USDA Delegation Explores Agricultural Cooperation and Plant Genome Editing Technology at BIOTEC
Congratulations to ENTEC Researchers on Receiving the National Research Award “Good Research Award” for Fiscal Year 2025
MTEC-NSTDA Researchers Welcome Delegation from Center for Research and Development Strategy, Japan Science and Technology (JST-CRDS), Japan
ENTEC, NSTDA Collaborates with Corporate Partners to Organize a Forum Promoting “Thailand Battswap”
ENTEC, NSTDA participated in workshop on the Climate-Proof and Inclusive City,Urban Planning & Architecture
ENTEC, NSTDA Welcomes Budget Bureau Officials to Visit Solar Cell Technology and Sustainable Hydrogen Energy Innovation Laboratories
ENTEC, NSTDA Receives 3 Million Baht Grant from PEA to support The ICT for Lifelong Learning Project for Marginalized Communities
Thailand and the Philippines Strengthen Scientific Ties