หน้าแรก ทีมเพอร์ซูท เรสซิง จากประเทศไทยเข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน F1 In SchoolsTM อีกครั้ง
ทีมเพอร์ซูท เรสซิง จากประเทศไทยเข้าร่วมการแข่งขัน F1 In SchoolsTM อีกครั้ง
30 ส.ค. 2561

Get Ready, Get Set, Go!
Thailand’s Pursuit Racing To Once Again Compete In F1 In SchoolsTM

Bangkok, 01/08/2018 – After representing Thailand in the F1 In SchoolsTM World Finals 2017, Pursuit Racing is back with more determination than ever to show the world what Thai students can do! They’re competing once more, this time against over 50 other teams in F1 In SchoolsTM 2018 at Sentosa, Singapore, from the 9th to the 12th of September.

“It’s a great opportunity for students to experience STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) education in an exciting and competitive approach,” says Por Udomying, Pursuit Racing’s team manager. Taking after and collaborating with the renowned F1 car racing competition, F1 In SchoolsTM is the most famous STEM competition in the world.

In mid 2017 Pursuit Racing entered F1 In SchoolsTM as one of Thailand’s first two delegates to participate. They were given merely 3 months— less than half the time given to the rest of the participants— to finalize every aspect of the competition, such as completing their miniature car, one that was propelled by carbon dioxide and was to be raced along a 20-meter track during the competition.

Last year they, as newcomers, participated in activities such as the verbal presentation and the race itself, and with perseverance and support from both the school and the private sector, they won two amazing awards: The Team Website Award and the Autodesk Pressure Challenge Award— earned by completing a difficult safety system design activity, in which all the teams were given a new problem to solve regarding the safety of racer drivers and only two hours to complete the challenge. Like all the other parts of the tournament, it pushes participants to think creatively.

Young, fresh-minded and talented, Pursuit Racing is a team of 6 Amnuay Silpa students, ranging in age from 13-16 from Year 9  and Year 12, whose unyielding determination set them on this exciting path of engineering and entrepreneurship. While three of the members are new, the rest are members from last year’s team, bringing with them not just previous experience, but also excitement.

“The competition encourages students to develop leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills through an exciting challenge,” says Siwakorn Chinpongsuwan, the team’s lead engineer and graphic designer and also one of the original members.

Speaking from a teacher’s point of view, Mr. Eccles, the team’s engineering advisor and a Design and Technology teacher at Amnuay Silpa, says “Amnuay Silpa School firmly believes in the benefit of project-based learning, teamwork and STEM which develop thinking skills, scientific creativity, and problem-solving abilities. F1 in SchoolsTM is the ultimate challenge as the team must not only design and manufacture the fastest miniature racing car but also function like a real F1 team by raising funds for the project. F1 in SchoolsTM is a fantastic real-world business simulation.”

Contrary to the name F1 In SchoolsTM , the team’s activities are not limited to just within the school’s walls. Each team must actively seek out sponsors. Pursuit Racing is extremely grateful to Bangkok Bank, PTT, Insight Telco, Bangkok Airways, Bira Circuit, Jorakay Corporation, CTC, Autodesk and Thai Star Shipping for their generous sponsorship.

Pursuit Racing is thankful for the opportunity to compete once again and continues to welcome sponsorship from anyone and any organization. We hope you decide to support us and we hope you will cheer us on in our journey in pursuit of the F1 In SchoolsTM championship and proudly present the Thai flag on the World Finals stage.

About Amnuay Silpa: Amnuay Silpa is a bilingual school offering a Thai and UK curriculum. With over 90 years of history, the school offers education from the foundation phase to the secondary phase, and has over 70,000 alumni, including six former Prime Ministers. Established on the 24th May 1926, ANS was accredited by Exeter University as the first and only Thinking School in Asia in 2013 and was awarded Advanced Status by the Department of Cognitive Education at Exeter University in 2017.

About F1 In SchoolsTM : F1 In SchoolsTM is a global multi-disciplinary challenge that inspires teams of students aged 9 to 19 to use IT, CAD/CAM software, physics and aerodynamics to design, analyze, manufacture and race model F1 cars and to learn about branding, graphics, sponsorship, marketing, leadership/teamwork, media skills and financial strategy in setting up their own enterprise.

รถแข่ง F1 จำลองของพวกเรา!
Here’s a sneak peek at our miniature racing car! The team members left to right— front row: Akapat Thammongkol (Gere), Tara Hanutsaha (Tara), Thitirat Seesillapachai (Huey). Back row: Siwakorn Chinpongsuwan (Pookhao), Por Oudomying (Por), Kawin Srisilpavongse (Kelvin)

For more information on Pursuit Racing, contact our team manager: Por Oudomying (Por), Call. 094-5495496, or Email: pursuit@amnuaysilpa.ac.th 
Follow Pursuit Racing on Website: https://pursuit-racing.com/    Instagram: pursuitracingth   Facebook: @PursuitRacingTH   Twitter: pursuitracingth


30 ส.ค. 2561